project mockup



Project Summary

PerfectBookstore needed a fast and modern website to expand their bussiness online . As an eccomerce site it needed to be very fast , secure and Mobile resaponsive at the same time . So I chose to implement the site using Firebase as the backend and Nuxt3 as the frontend framework .

As an growing startup the company needed the ability to scale with traffic so we chose to implement an serverless architecture using Firebase and Netlify functions .

To accept a wide range of online payments I implemented razorpay and stripe as the payements Gateways .

Ease of Administration was also a primary neccessity for the site so we created a productive dashboard to monitor the checkouts , orders , inventory and analytics for the site .

Implemented user behavior tracking and analytics using Mixpanel .

Technical Details

Frameworks :

  • Firebase ( Backend)
  • Nuxt3 + Vue3 (Frontend)
  • Tailwindcss ( Css)

Version Control :

  • Git and Github

Git Workflow :

  • Trunk Based Development and Monorepo .

CI/CD and deployement :

  • Netlify and Firebase

Screen Shots

Home Page




Products Page

All products page

Product Page

product page

Slide In Cart
